2022 “Celibate Seducer: Vedānta Deśika’s Domestication of Kṛṣṇa’s Sexuality in the Yādavābhyudaya” (with Lawrence McCrea). “Vaishnavism as Fine Literature,” organized by the South Asian Studies Council, Yale University (via Zoom), May 27.
2021 ”Reading a Cloud.” In “Mapping the World through Courier Poetry 2.” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (via Zoom), March 24.
2021 “Impression, Perception, Fiction: Ullekha and Ruyyaka’s Study of Ornaments.” Sapienza Università di Roma. May 27 (via Zoom).
2019 “Dandin’s Open Mirror.” Brough Lecture Series. SOAS. April 25.
2018 ”Rasa in Daṇḍin’s Mirror.” The 48th Annual Conference on South Asia University of Wisconsin, Madison, October. Organized the section on Rethinking Rasa in Light of Pollock’s Rasa Reader.
2018 “The First Theory of Emotional Expressivity: Rasa in Dandin’s Mirror at the 47th Annual Conference on South Asia. Madison, Wisconsin.
2018 “Daṇḍin’s Open Mirror.” The 4th C R Parekh Memorial Lecture. Delhi, India International Center.
2018 “One Man’s Virtue is Another Man’s Flaw: Bhāmaha’s Wrongs Made Right by Daṇḍin.” In the 14th Biannual Conference on Asian Studies in Israel, Jerusalem, May 23–24. Organized the panel: “Being Generous to a Fault: On the Virtues of Flaws in Indian Thought.”
2018 “Daṇḍin’s Magic Mirror.” A paper presented at the Religious Studies Lecture Series at the University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA, April 4.
2017 “Indic Prosopography in the Digital Age.” In “The Future of Digital Texts in South Asian Studies / A SARIT Workshop”, Vienna, May 22–24.
2016 “Udbhaṭa on Upamā: Rethinking Simile in the Jayāpīḍa Moment.” In “Around Abhinavagupta: Aspects of the Intellectual History of Kashmir.” Cornell University, Ithaca NY, October 25–26.
2016 “Playfulness and Suggestion in Daṇḍin’s ‘Condensed Speech.’” 45th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October. Organized the section on “Expansion and Condensation in Daṇḍin’s Hall of Mirrors Across Asia.”
2015 Patterns in a Hall of Mirrors: A Preliminary Report. In “Asia in the Mirror of Literature.” Jerusalem, Institute of Advanced Studies, December 13.
2015 “In Search of Scholasticism: Sanskrit Poetics and Its Long Path to Śāstrahood.” In “Scholasticisms’ Practice and Practices’ Scholasticism.” Paris: April 10.
2014 “The Needy Injunction: Appayya Dīkṣita and the Underpinnings of Mīmāṃsā.” 43rd Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October.
2014 “A Prosopographical Database for Sanskrit Works in the Early Modern Era (and Beyond): The Appayya Dīkṣita Project, Phase 3.” In Workshop on Buddhist Studies and Digital Humanities: Oxford, September.
2013 “Udbhaṭa and the Dawn of Kashmiri Poetics.” In “Around Abhinavagupta: Aspects of the Intellectual History of Kashmir from the 9th to the 11th Century.” University of Leipzig, Leipzig, June.
2013 “Embrace Takes Center Stage: An Overview of Bitextuality in South Asia.” In “Sense multiple(s) et polysémie: Prospectives croisées, Orient & Occident.” Aix-en-Provence, June.
2013 “South Meets North: Banaras from the Perspective of a Tamil Brahmin (c. 1600).” In “Discipline, Sect, Lineage and Community: Scholar-Intellectuals in India, c. 1500-1800.” St Antony’s College, Oxford, May.
2013 “Embrace Takes Center Stage: An Overview of Bitextuality in South Asia.” Institute of Oriental Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kracow, Poland, April.
2012 “The Early Golden Age of Sanskrit Poetics.” “Juxtapositions Lecture Series,” University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, October.
2012 “The Roar of a Lion Poet: Vedānta Deśika’s Literary Oeuvre.” 41st Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 12.
2012 “Birds of a Feather: Vāmana Bhaṭṭa Bāṇa’s Haṃsasandeśa and Its Intertexts.” 15th World Sanskrit Conference, New Delhi, India, January.
2011 “From Conqueror to Connoisseur: Kalhaṇa’s Account of Jayāpīḍa and the Fashioning of Kashmir as a Kingdom of Learning.” 40th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October.
2010 “Bhāmaha or Daṇḍin: Who Was First?” 39th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October.